June 2008 Archives

New site/new update

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Arielle has a new web site: www.angelphace.com. We appreciate how many people have wanted to experience this journey with us, and hope this will be an easier way to communicate from this point on. For some of you, our updates are probably too much information. For others, not nearly enough. To receive any future updates, you will need to either 1) reply to this email and tell us to subscribe you, or 2) sign-up yourself at the web site. Our blog will turn into more of the day-to-day cutesy baby stuff grandparents and the like can’t get enough of.

You’ll find the latest update in greater detail on the site, and much more. Short version: we’ve had lots more tests since our last update. Once again, far more encouraging news than the “tough stuff,” but we’re still struggling to get the hemangioma to stop growing. It has the ability to destroy anything in its path, so that is the number one thing on our minds, hearts and prayers at this time.

And for you photo lovers, this one captures just how much Arielle has grown – including her precious gummy grin.

Lastly, a quick plug for the “Mighty Quinn,” a little boy that has had a much rougher time with PHACE than Arielle. His parents are desperate to fund a trip to New York for him to receive an important operation. Details can be found here: http://www.helpquinn.com/. If you’re looking to gain good karma, transfer a day or two of your Starbucks fund to his airfare and the universe will thank you.

Mary Alice, Travis and Baby Arielle

A day in the life - 4.5 months

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Hello family. I turned 19 weeks on Friday. Mommy and Daddy are being nice to me, and play with me all the time. I'm starting to like these people even when they're not feeding me - which is still on quite a regular basis. They think I'm about 15 pounds, well more than twice my birth weight. Hope you enjoy the photo show below. Hugs and kisses to all! Love, Arielle

Aww, what a cute pair!

This is me standing. I love standing (with a little assistance from Mommy still).

I also love my 360 activity center, and making the lion "ROAR." If you look closely at my feet, you'll notice I'm not quite tall enough to be in this without a little assistance from a baking pan. :)

Finally, here's me learning how to crawl. Sometimes I like this, while other times I find it frustrating. But I always love hitting the toys dangling above my head.


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This was the third session. We found that laughing helped encourage Arielle to do the same.

Wheels of Fortune!

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Ok, so they're more like the Price is Right, but Pat Sajak never punched anyone out on the golf course.  I feel safer infringing on his copyright.